vol. 9/10 (2014-2015)

Adam Ziółkowski

Preface, 7-8

Benedetto Bravo

Una lettera su piombo trovata presso Hermonassa, metà del V secolo a.C.: un ricco proprietario dà istruzioni per la raccolta del pesce essiccato, 9-18

Luigi Capogrossi-Colognesi

Nemora, silvae, pascua e saltus nell’Italia romana, 19-31

Claus von Carnap-Bornheim, Vladimir Salač

Ritual, Communication and Politics or: what happened to the head of Publius Quinctilius Varus?, 33-48

Gerard Chouquet

Jus colendi et Jerzy Kolendo. Réflexions sur le devenir du droit agraire antique et altomédiéval, 49-75

Monique Clavel-Lévêque

Dépendants, esclaves, affranchis en milieu rural: le cas de la colonie romaine de Béziers, 71-75

Filippo Coarelli

Varrone, la Via Salaria e i tordi, 77-81

Michael Crawford

Coins from under the Sea, 83-98

Tomasz Derda, Adam Łajtar, Tomasz Płóciennik

Where did the third legion of Augustan Egypt have its base?, 99-105

Piotr Dyczek

Coena funebris on a funerary stela from Novae, 107-118

François Favory

L’Habitat rural gallo-romain en Languedoc oriental: panorama d’une réalité provinciale, 119-131

Peter Kehne

Antikes Kriegsrecht und Formen der Rückführung reichsrömischer Gefangener aus dem barbaricum in der römischen Kaiserzeit, 133-149

Leszek Mrozewicz

A letter of contention… Once again on the titulus pictus from Novae (ILatNovae 38 = IGrLatNovae 57), 151-177

Emanuele Papi

Lateres signati provinciae Mauretaniae Tingitanae, 179-196

Reinhard Wolters

Germanicusfeldzüge vor den Germanicusfeldzügen? Annalistische Rekonstruktionen ante excesssum divi Augusti, 197-209

Adam Ziółkowski

When did the Slavs originate? The case of the Antes, 211-236

Jerzy Żelazowski

La politica di Augusto in Cirenaica, 237-256

Guidelines to Contributors, 257-259

vol. 8 (2013)

Olga Drewnowska

À propos de la religion paléo-babylonienne d’Ešnunna: y a-t-il une différence entre le culte royal et le culte personnel?, 5-24

Emanuel Pfoh

Loyal servants of the King: a political anthropology of subordination in syria-palestine (ca. 1600–600 Bce), 25-41

Paweł Janiszewski

Panther – the father of Jesus and the panther from the Book of Hosea, 43-59

Benedetto Bravo

Un biglietto per la vendita di uno schiavo (Phanagoreia, 500–450 a.C.) e un katadesmos pubblicato a torto come una lettera (territorio di Olbia Pontica, ca. 400 a.C.), 61-73

Chiara Matarese

Proskynēsis and the Gesture of the Kiss at Alexander’s court: the creation of a new élite, 75-86

Leopold Hess

Functions of Polemic in the Composition of Polybius, books I–V, 87-112

Brian A. Krostenko

Etymologizing the Convivium: Varro’s Nescis quid Vesper serus vehat, 113-140

Paweł Sawiński

Marcus Agrippa: Collega Imperii or successor to Augustus? The succession issue between 23 and 12 BC, 141-154


Matthew R. Christ, The Limits of Altruism in Democratic Athens, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 215 + x pp. (Rafał Matuszewski), 155-160

Takashi Fuji, Imperial Cult and Imperial Representation in Roman Cyprus, Heidelberg: Franz Steiner Verlag 2013, pp. 248. (Joanna Wegner), 161-170

Gereon Siebigs, Kaiser Leo. Das oströmische Reich in den ersten drei Jahren seiner Regierung (457–460 n. Chr.) (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, Bd. 276), Berlin-New York 2010, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG, Bd. 1–2, S. XVII+XIII+1070. (Jan T. Prostko-Prostyński), 171-174

Ancient Studies in Poland. Recent books of interests, 175-194

Guidelines to Contributors, 195-197

vol. 7 (2012)

Adam Kryszeń

Towards a Reconstruction of Hittite Geography – The Case of Šalapa, 5-24

Radosław Tarasewicz

On the Hazannu in the Neo-Babylonian and Perisan Periods, 25-42

Stephanie West

From Volcano to Green Mountain: A Note on Cyrene’s Beginnings, 43-66

Jerzy Żelazowski

La fondazione di Ptolemais in Cirenaica tra storia e archeologia, 67-80

Adam Łajtar, Jovan J. Martinović

Greek Inscriptions in the Bay of Kotor (Boka Kotorska), Montenegro: „Pierres errantes’ and Object of Local Provenience, 81-107

Przemysław Wojciechowski

In the Search of the Roman Middle Class: An Outline of the Problem, 109-116

Piotr Berdowski

Gn. Pompeius, the Son of Pompey the Great: An Embarassing Ally in the African War? (48-46 BC), 117-142

Krystyna Stebnicka

Jezabel and Eudoxia – Reflections on the History of the First Conflict Between John Chrysostom and Empress Eudoxia, 143-154

Elżbieta Szabat

The ‘Great Persecutions’ of the Pagans in 5th-Century Alexandria, 155-176


Paweł Nowakowski,

The Hieros Topos in Amathous and a ‘Legal Decision’ of Augustus and Agrippa, 177-185

Jan Prostko-Prostyński,

Dio’s Immortal Cognomen: Cocceianus, 187-189


Piotr Michalowski, The Correspondence of the Kings of Ur: An Epistolary History of an Ancient Mesopotamian Kingdom (Mesopotamian Civilizations 15), Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2011 (Kamil Salmanowicz), 191-197

Amanda H. Podany, Brotherhood of Kings: How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010 (Emanuel Pfoh), 199-202

Martin L. West, The Making of the ‘Iliad’: Disquisition and Analytical Commentary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011 (Marek Węcowski), 203-207

Ancient Studies in Poland. Recent Books of Interest, 209-224

Guidelines to Contributors, 225-227

vol. 6 (2011)

Krystyna Szarzyńska

The Urekean Archpriest e n in the Archaich Period. A Few Remarks on his functions, 5-16

Małgorzata Sandowicz

Fear The Oath!’ Stepping Back from Oath Taking In First Millennium B.C. Babylonia, 17-36

Benedetto Bravo

Tre lettere di mercanti del Mar Nero settentrionale rivisitate. sui modi di organizzazione e gli attori del commercio e sulla ‘giustizia privata’ in póleis ed empória, 37-92

Katarzyna Balbuza

La conception d’Aeternitas dans le monnayage de consécration romain de l’époque du principat, 93-108

Krzysztof Rzepkowski

Jerome, palliatae, and veteres comici. A Note to Hier. Ep. 57.5.5 (De optimo genere interpretandi), 109-114

Paweł Janiszewski

The Enigmatic Historian Parthenios of Phokaia, The Ethnika of Stephanus of Byzantium and the Historiography of the Turn of the 5th and 6th centuries, 115-130


Marek Stępień

The Foundation Inscription of King Amar-Suena of The Third Dynasty of Ur, 131-136

Steven Ross Murray, William A. Sands, Douglas A. O’Roark

Throwing the Ancient Greek Dory: How Effective is the Attached Ankyle at Increasing the Distance of the Throw?


Rafał Rosół, Wschodnie korzenie kultu Apollona. Studium lingwistyczno-historyczne
[The Oriental Roots of the Cult of Apollo: A Linguistic-Historical Study], Kraków: Nomos2010 (Mikołaj Szymański), 153-156

Roger S. Bagnall, Early Christian Books in Egypt, Princeton–Oxford: Princeton University Press 2009; Roger S. Bagnall, Livres chrétiens antiques d’Égypte, Genève: Librairie Droz 2009 (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences Historiques et Philologiques. Hautes Études
du monde gréco-romain 44) (Ewa Wipszycka-Bravo), 157-168

Books of Intrests (eds PiotrBerdowski et al.)

vol. 5 (2010)

Witold Tyborowski

Šamaš-haşir and the Babylonian rule in southern Mesopotamia under Hammurabi, 5-15

Anna K. Prostko-Prostyńska

Twelve Horses for Sargon II. Some Remarks on the Assyrian Campaign to the Southwest of Palestine in 716 B.C., 17-21

Sergei G. Karpyuk

Thucydides on Islands and Islanders, 23-35

Adam Pałuchowski

La propriété foncière privée et la main-d’œuvre servile en Crète aux époques hellénistique et romaine, 37-70

Emanuele Santamato

Deversorium, meritorium, cellae: pratiche affittuarie nella Roma antica e gestione amministrativa dell’ habitare in età imperial, 71-113

Sabina Crippa

Magic and rationality in Pliny. Transmission of knowledge: the medical-magical pharmacopoeia, 115-125

Bartosz Wojciechowski

Athletic Games in the Roman Levant, 127-149

Kostas Buraselis

Insolence and Servility. Aelius Aristides as Critic of Greek Civic Policies in the Provincia Asia, 151-166


Piotr Jaworski

Countermarks on the Coins Struck in Cyrenaica under Tiberius, 167-176

Adam Łajtar

Two Honorific Monuments for Governors of Syria-Palaestinae in Hippos, 177-186

Paweł Nowakowski

A Supposed Honorific Inscription for Iulia Mammaea in Cyprus, 187-191

Adam Łukaszewicz

A Remark on an Ancient Menu, 193-194


Edward Lipiński, Prawo bliskowschodnie w starożytności. Wprowadzenie historyczne [Oriental Law in Antiquity. Historical Introduction], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2009 (Lena Fijałkowska), 195-198

Izabela Eph‘al-Jaruzelska, Prophets, Royal Legitimacy and War in Ancient Israel, Warsaw: Warsaw University Press 2009 (Piotr Briks), 199-206

Victor David Hanson (ed.), Makers of Ancient Strategy: From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome, Princeton University Press, Princeton & Oxford 2010 (AleksanderWolicki), 207-214

Duane W. Roller, Eratosthenes’ Geography. Fragments Collected and Translated with a Commentary and Additional Material, Princeton University Press, Princeton & Oxford 2010 (Benedetto Bravo), 215-224

Alexander Demandt, Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian 284–565 n. Chr. Vollständig bearbeitete und erweiterte Neuauflage (= Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, III, 6), München: Verlag C.H.Beck 2007 (JanProstko-Prostyński), 225-227

Books of Interest (MironWolny), 229-242

Guidelines to Contributors, 243-245

vol. 4 (2009)

Waldemar Ceran (1936–2009), 5-10

Jan Krzysztof Winnicki (1942–2009), 11-14


Małgorzata Sandowicz

Depositaries, Depositors and Courthouse in Sixth-century B.C. Babylon, 15-26

Benedetto Bravo

Racconti di Erodoto sui Pelasgi, i Dori, la scoperta dei nomi degli dei e altre antichita. Per l’interpretazione e la critica del testo, 27-78

Marcello Lupi

La regola dell’eta del padre in un’iscrizione di Tenos (IG XII Suppl. 303), 79-90

Adam Ziółkowski

Frontier Sanctuaries of the Ager Romanus Antiquus: Did They Exist?, 91-130

Jerzy Żelazowski

L’attivita dei governatori nella Mesia Inferiore (86–275 d.c.) secondo le iscrizioni, 131-146



Adam Łajtar

A Fragmentary Greek Inscription From Nea Paphos, Cyprus, with the Mention of Fabios, a Tamias     147-152


Review articles

Włodzimierz Lengauer

Love, Pleasure and Sexuality. James Davidson on Greek Love. (James Davidson, The Greeks and Greek Love. A Radical Reappraisal of Homosexuality in Ancient Greece, London 2007), 153-166

Marek Węcowski

Greece in the Making and the Polis (Robin  Osborne, Greece in the Making, 1200–479 BC [second edition], London – New York 2009),167-176



Maciej Popko, Arinna: Eine heilige Stadt der Hethiter (P. Taracha), 177-180

Piotr Taracha, Religion of Second Millennium Anatolia (R. Lebrun), 181-184

Sang Youl Cho, Lesser Deities in the Ugaritic Texts and the Hebrew Bible. A Comparative Study of Their Nature and Roles (M. Munnich), 185-190

Giovanni Garbini, Scrivere la Storia d’Israele. Vicende e memorie ebraiche (E. Pfoh), 191-196

H.G.M. Williamson (ed.), Understanding the History of Ancient Israel (Ł. Niesiołowski-Spano), 197-202


Ancient Studies in Poland. Recent Books of Interest (E. Szabat), 203-216

Guidelines to Contributors, 217-218

vol. 3 (2008)

Anna Świderkówna (1925–2008), 5-8

Józef Wolski (1910–2008), 9-16


Witold Tyborowski

Aspects of the Economic and Family Life of the naditu Women in the Old Babylonian Period, 17-34

Stefan Zawadzki

The Middle Euphrates in the First Millennium B.C. as an Intermediary in Economic Contacts between
Mesopotamia and the West, 35-48

Jorrit M. Kelder

A great King at Mycenae. An Argument for the wanax as Great King and the lawagetas as Vassal Ruler, 49-74

Piotr Berdowski

Heroes and Fish in Homer, 75-92

Benedetto Bravo

Passi strani in Erodoto e Tucidide su cose della Grecia del VI secolo o più antiche. Autentico e non-autentico, 93-134

Ryszard Kulesza

Spartan gamos in the Classical Period, 135-166

Jerzy Kolendo

The Embassy of Masyos, King of Semnone, and the Description of Suebia in Tacitus’ Germania, 167-188

Paweł Janiszewski

Why can’t we see Demons? The Evagrian Concept of  the Structure of Bodies Originating from Three Parallel Material Worlds, in the Context of Aristotelian Quality Theory, 189-208



Rafał Kosiński

Leo II – Some Chronological Questions, 209-214

Adam Łajtar

Faraj Abd el-karim, a Grave Inscription from Ptolemais in Cyrenaica with the Libyan name aialan and the Term akinetos for ‘Tomb’, 215-220 


Stefan Zawadzki, Garments of the Gods. Studies on the Textile Industry and the Pantheon of Sippar according to the Texts from the Ebabbar Archive (M. Stępień), 221-226

Jan Dušek, Les manuscrits araméens du Wadi Daliyeh et la Samarie vers 450–332 av. J.-C. (E. Lipiński), 227-246

Amos Kloner, Boaz Zissu, The Necropolis of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period (J. Młynarczyk), 247-256

Paweł Janiszewski, The Missing Link: Greek Pagan Historiography in the Second Half of the Third Century and in the Fourth Century A.D. (Ch.A. Baron), 257-260

Ancient Studies in Poland (E. Szabat), 261-268

Guidelines to Contributors, 269-270

vol. 2 (2007)

Editorial statement

Tadeusz Kotula (1923–2007), 7-10

Tomasz Mikocki (1954–2007), 11-14

Edward Lipiński

Hiram de Tyre et Salomon d’après Flavius Josèphe et ses sources, 15-34

Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò

Passover, the Jewish Cultic Calendar and the Torah, 35-54

Benedetto Bravo

Testi iniziatici da Olbia Pontica (VI e V sec. a.c.) e osservazioni su orfismo e religione civica, 55-92

Hans-Joachim Gehrke

Marathon: a European Charter Myth? 93-108

Stephanie West

Herodotus lyricorum studiosus, 109-130

Aleksander Wolicki

Moicheia: Adultery or Something More?, 131-142

Robert Wiśniewski

Deep Woods and Vain Oracles: Druids, Pomponius Mela and Tacitus, 143-156

Krystyna Stebnicka

The Physical Appearance of a Pure Greek in Literature of the Second Sophistic Period, 157-172

Józef Naumowicz

Le calendrier de 354 et la fête de Noël, 173-188

Przemysław Nehring

Jovinian, Jerome and Augustine. The Bible in the Service of Arguments, 189-200


Krzysztof Winnicki

A Demotic Votive Inscription from Saqqara Revisited, 201-202

Adam Łajtar

A Fragment of an Opisthographic Slab from Tell Farama (Pelusium), 203-206


Marek Stępień, Ensi at the time of the Ur III Dynasty: The economic and administrative aspects of the provincial governor’s position in the light of the provincial archive from Umma (Witold Tyborowski), 207-216

Hélène Nutkowicz, L’homme face à la mort au royaume de Juda. Rites, pratiques et représentation (Bogusława Filipowicz), 217-222

Peter Schäfer, Jesus in the Talmud (Maciej Tomal), 223-236

Stanisław Kalita, Die Griechen in Baktrien und Indien. Ausgewählte Probleme ihrer Geschichte (Marek Jan Olbrycht), 237-244

Susan Weingarten, The Saint’s Saints. Hagiography and Geography in Jerome (Robert Wiśniewski), 245-252

Kamilla Twardowska, Les impératrices byzantines de la 2ème moitié du 5e siècle. Les femmes face au pouvoir (Marek Jankowiak), 253-258

Ancient Studies in Poland. Recent Books of Interest (Elżbieta Szabat), 259

Guidelines to Contributors, 277-278

vol. 1 (2006)

Editorial statement, 5-6


Lesław Morawiecki (1949–2004), 7-10


Pierre Vidal-Naquet (1930–2006), 11-14


Mario Liverani

New Discoveries in the Land of the Garamantes: on the Archaeology of Libyan Sahara, 15-32


Rafał Koliński

Old Assyrian or Old Babylonian? The Cultural Setting of Northern Mesopotamia at the Beginning of the 2nd millenium B.C., 33-54


Edward Lipiński

Sozomène II 4 et le site de Ramat Al-Halil, 55-66


Włodzimierz Lengauer

Eros among Citizens, 67-84


Krystyna Bartol

The Lost World of Inventors: Athenaeus’ Sentimental Heurematography, 85-96


Adam Pałuchowski

Le nombre des bouleutes et le président de la boulè dans les cités crétoises aux deux premiers siècles del’empire, 97-122


Andrzej Wypustek, Izabella Donkow

Christians and the Plague in the 2nd century asia minor, 123-132


Michał Stachura

Stadt und Peripherie in der Häretikerpolitik der frühbyzantinischen Kaiser (ca. 325 bis 455), 133-152


Varia, reviews

Jan K. Winnicki

Eine demotische Votivinschrift aus Saqqara, 153-158


Adam Łajtar

An Epitaph from Olbia (?) In the Princes Czartoryski Museum in Cracow, 159-166


Krystyna Stebnicka

Die Münzen der Sophisten und Rhetoren aus der Zeit der zweiten Sophistik, 167-184


Maciej Münnich, Obraz Jahwe jako władcy choroby w Biblii Hebrajskiej na tle bóstw bliskowschodnich [The Image of Yahweh as the Lord of Illness in the Hebrew Bible against the Background of Near-Eastern

Deities], Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2004, 409 pages, with English summary (Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò), 185-188


Marcin Pawlak, Walka o władzę w Rzymie w latach 425-435 [La lutte pour le pouvoir à Rome dans les années 425-435], Wydawnictwo Naukowe GRADO, Toruń 2004, 214 pages, résumé en français (Marek Jankowiak), 189-192


Guidelines to Contributors, 193-194


Contents of Back Issues